Computer network major

 Computer network major

The supercomputers were presented in the sixties and were planned principally by Seymour Cray in the Control Data Corporation (CDC), 

which overwhelmed the market during that time, until Cray left CDC to frame his own organization, Cray Research. With this new organization, he kept on commanding the market with his new plans, 

acquiring the most noteworthy platform in supercomputing for five continuous years (1985-1990). 

During the 1980s, an enormous number of contending organizations entered the market in corresponding with the formation of the minicomputer market 10 years sooner, yet a considerable lot of them vanished during the 1990s. 

The term is in steady transition. The present supercomputers will in general become the standard PCs of tomorrow. 

The main CDC machines were essentially quick scalar processors, and a large number of the new contenders built up their own scalar processors at a little cost to enter the market. 

Primary uses: Supercomputers are utilized to address extremely complex issues that can't be acknowledged in the physical world either on the grounds that they are threat, 

include fantastically little or unimaginably enormous things. Here are a few models: 

Using supercomputers, analysts model the previous atmosphere and the current atmosphere and anticipate the future atmosphere. 

Cosmologists and space researchers use supercomputers to examine the Sun and space climate. 

Researchers use supercomputers to reproduce how a tidal wave could influence a specific coast or city. 

Supercomputers are utilized to reproduce supernova blasts in space. 

Supercomputers are utilized to test the optimal design of the latest military airplane. 

PCs are being utilized to demonstrate how proteins are collapsed and how that collapsing can influence individuals experiencing Alzheimer's ailment, cystic fibrosis and numerous sorts of disease. 

Supercomputers are utilized to demonstrate atomic blasts, restricting the requirement for genuine atomic tests


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